dh glass beads for abrasive media
Glass Bead Media
Glass Bead Media Overview
Available in a wide range of sizes, glass beads are one of the most popular blast media used in abrasive blast cabinets today. Glass bead media is an all-purpose media used for honing, polishing, peening, blending, finishing, removing light burrs, frosting glass and cleaning most light foreign matter.  Additionally, glass beads blasting can remove paint, rust, scale and surface residues.  As a result, glass bead material generally will not change dimensional tolerances and can detect weld and solder flaws.
Glass beads are typically consumed at a slow rate in bead blasting equipment.  Additionally, they also survive multiple impacts, and thus can be recycled several times. Glass beads, made of recycled glass.  Therefore, they are chemically inert.  Thus the leave no ferrous or other undesirable residue on the prepared surface. When used properly, glass beads leave a controlled and clean finish on the prepared surface.
 Here after is dh glass beads standard for sales details:
 No    particle size (mm)        Classification No.   Product No.            excluding tax price (FOB XINGANG USD)
1   0.850---0.425     30#     DH-PW-850425      375
2   0.425---0.250     60#     DH-PW-425250      360
3   0.250---0.180     80#     DH-PW-250180      350
4   0.180---0.150     100#    DH-PW-180150      350
5   0.150---0.106     120#    DH-PW-150106      340
6   0.106---0.077     180#    DH-PW-106077      340
7   0.077---0.061     220#    DH-PW-077061      330
8   0.061---0.054     280#    DH-PW-061054      330
9   0.054---0.000     325#    DH-PW-054000      370

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